Continuous - Quality - Control - Communication - Management

And the Rest...

Don't forget, and Atom Ultima will not let you forget:

ADR – communication and management with in–system ADR checker

Sustainability – set within standard

Cyber security – Atom Ultima is Cyber Essentials Plus compliant and built (and hosted) to ISO 27001. The biggest threat to your cyber security is your people: training and encryption, tracking communication in-system, keeping your business communication inside your bubble all adds to your chainmail of security and compliance.

AI – while AI has its uses, Atom Ultima has no plug-ins or access to data, except through controlled specific APIs (where requested). AI searches and scrapes. Atom Ultima secures your data from external probes.

GDPR – Atom Ultima is GDPR compliant, and gives you the security of your employee data management.

Child or slave labour – interrogation of your supply chain on every input.

Net Zero – analysis of carbon emissions drilled to individual actions; assessing change over time; action planning on data gathered: Atom Ultima will take the weight. Atom Ultima takes you nearer to net zero, by reducing email and power use through app interfaces, and minimising data storage.

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